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The pentagrammic deltohedron (Har'El 1993) is the dual polyhedron of the pentagrammic antiprism U_(79).
A W^*-algebra is a C-*-algebra A for which there is a Banach space A_* such that its dual is A. Then the space A_* is uniquely defined and is called the pre-dual of A. Every ...
The cube-octahedron 20-compounds are polyhedron compounds of the cube 20-compound and its dual, the octahedron 20-compound.
A polyhedron compound in which the great dodecahedron is interior to its dual small stellated dodecahedron.
The pentagonal icositetrahedron is the 24-faced dual polyhedron of the snub cube A_7 and Wenninger dual W_(17). The mineral cuprite (Cu_2O) forms in pentagonal ...
A polyhedron compound is an arrangement of a number of interpenetrating polyhedra, either all the same or of several distinct types, usually having visually attractive ...
The pentagrammic concave deltohedron (Har'El 1993) is the dual polyhedron of the pentagrammic crossed antiprism U_(80). It is perhaps more commonly known as the pentagrammic ...
1000 The medial triambic icosahedron is the dual of the ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron U_(41) and Wenninger dual W_(80), whose outward appearance is the same as the great ...
The midsphere, also called the intersphere, reciprocating sphere, or inversion sphere, is a sphere with respect to which the polyhedron vertices of a polyhedron are the ...
The unique 8_3 configuration. It is transitive and self-dual, but cannot be realized in the real projective plane. Its Levi graph is the Möbius-Kantor graph.
