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An expression which is a sentence or which contains variables and becomes a sentence upon appropriate substitutions for these variables (Carnap 1958, p. 24). Sentential ...
D^*Dpsi=del ^*del psi+1/4Rpsi-1/2F_L^+(psi), where D is the Dirac operator D:Gamma(W^+)->Gamma(W^-), del is the covariant derivative on spinors, R is the scalar curvature, ...
Let alpha be a nonzero rational number alpha=+/-p_1^(alpha_1)p_2^(alpha_2)...p_L^(alpha_L), where p_1, ..., p_L are distinct primes, alpha_l in Z and alpha_l!=0. Then ...
int_0^inftycos(2zt)sech(pit)dt=1/2sechz for |I[z]|<pi/2. A related integral is int_0^inftycosh(2zt)sech(pit)dt=1/2secz for |R[z]|<pi/2.
Slater (1960, p. 31) terms the identity _4F_3[a,1+1/2a,b,-n; 1/2a,1+a-b;1+a+n]=((1+a)_n(1/2+1/2a-b)_n)/((1/2+1/2a)_n(1+a-b)_n) for n a nonnegative integer the "_4F_3[1] ...
f_p=f_0+1/2p(p+1)delta_(1/2)-1/2(p-1)pdelta_(-1/2) +(S_3+S_4)delta_(1/2)^3+(S_3-S_4)delta_(-1/2)^3+..., (1) for p in [-1/2,1/2], where delta is the central difference and ...
Let R[z]>0, 0<=alpha,beta<=1, and Lambda(alpha,beta,z)=sum_(r=0)^infty[lambda((r+alpha)z-ibeta)+lambda((r+1-alpha)z+ibeta)], (1) where lambda(x) = -ln(1-e^(-2pix)) (2) = ...
Let J_nu(z) be a Bessel function of the first kind, Y_nu(z) a Bessel function of the second kind, and K_nu(z) a modified Bessel function of the first kind. Also let R[z]>0 ...
The geometric mean is smaller than the arithmetic mean, (product_(i=1)^Nn_i)^(1/N)<=(sum_(i=1)^(N)n_i)/N, with equality in the cases (1) N=1 or (2) n_i=n_j for all i,j.
If g is continuous and mu,nu>0, then int_0^t(t-xi)^(mu-1)dxiint_0^xi(xi-x)^(nu-1)g(xi,x)dx =int_0^tdxint_x^t(t-xi)^(mu-1)(xi-x)^(nu-1)g(xi,x)dxi.