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3041 - 3050 of 3632 for Diophantine Equation 2nd PowersSearch Results
An embedding is a representation of a topological object, manifold, graph, field, etc. in a certain space in such a way that its connectivity or algebraic properties are ...
Let a closed surface have genus g. Then the polyhedral formula generalizes to the Poincaré formula chi(g)=V-E+F, (1) where chi(g)=2-2g (2) is the Euler characteristic, ...
The first few values of product_(k=1)^(n)k! (known as a superfactorial) for n=1, 2, ... are given by 1, 2, 12, 288, 34560, 24883200, ... (OEIS A000178). The first few ...
First-passage percolation is a time-dependent generalization of discrete Bernoulli percolation in which each graph edge e of Z^d is assigned a nonnegative random variable ...
Given triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3, let the point of intersection of A_2Omega and A_3Omega^' be B_1, where Omega and Omega^' are the Brocard points, and similarly define B_2 and ...
The triangle DeltaN_1N_2N_3 formed by joining a set of three Neuberg centers (i.e., centers of the Neuberg circles) obtained from the edges of a given triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 ...
The determination of a test for the equality of means for two normal distributions with different variances given samples from each. There exists an exact test which, ...
Let C^*(u) denote the number of nowhere-zero u-flows on a connected graph G with vertex count n, edge count m, and connected component count c. This quantity is called the ...
Pick any two relatively prime integers h and k, then the circle C(h,k) of radius 1/(2k^2) centered at (h/k,+/-1/(2k^2)) is known as a Ford circle. No matter what and how many ...
Consider the Euclid numbers defined by E_k=1+p_k#, where p_k is the kth prime and p# is the primorial. The first few values of E_k are 3, 7, 31, 211, 2311, 30031, 510511, ... ...