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2731 - 2740 of 3632 for Diophantine Equation 2nd PowersSearch Results
Overdamped simple harmonic motion is a special case of damped simple harmonic motion x^..+betax^.+omega_0^2x=0, (1) in which beta^2-4omega_0^2>0. (2) Therefore ...
Given two paired sets X_i and Y_i of n measured values, the paired t-test determines whether they differ from each other in a significant way under the assumptions that the ...
A linkage invented in 1630 by Christoph Scheiner for making a scaled copy of a given figure. The linkage is pivoted at O; hinges are denoted circledot . By placing a pencil ...
Two lines in two-dimensional Euclidean space are said to be parallel if they do not intersect. In three-dimensional Euclidean space, parallel lines not only fail to ...
Parallel curves, frequently called "offset curves" in computer graphics applications, are curves which are displaced from a base curve by a constant offset, either positive ...
Two lines in two-dimensional Euclidean space are said to be parallel if they do not intersect. In three-dimensional Euclidean space, parallel lines not only fail to ...
A parallelohedron is a space-filling polyhedron that fills space using an infinite number of similarly situated copies (Tutton 1964, pp. 567 and 723; Coxeter 1973, pp. ...
Given a linear code C of length n and dimension k over the field F, a parity check matrix H of C is a n×(n-k) matrix whose rows generate the orthogonal complement of C, i.e., ...
A patch (also called a local surface) is a differentiable mapping x:U->R^n, where U is an open subset of R^2. More generally, if A is any subset of R^2, then a map x:A->R^n ...
The eighth proposition in the third book of the Elements is one of Euclid's most complex propositions. It shows that a segment through an outside point D and a circle is ...