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801 - 810 of 1649 for Diophantine EquationSearch Results
The Lie derivative of tensor T_(ab) with respect to the vector field X is defined by L_XT_(ab)=lim_(deltax->0)(T_(ab)^'(x^')-T_(ab)(x))/(deltax). (1) Explicitly, it is given ...
A curve on a surface whose tangents are always in the direction of principal curvature. The equation of the lines of curvature can be written |g_(11) g_(12) g_(22); b_(11) ...
The links curve is the quartic curve given by the Cartesian equation (x^2+y^2-3x)^2=4x^2(2-x). (1) The area enclosed by the outer envelope is A_(envelope)=1/6(9pi+8) (2) and ...
Let F be a differential field with constant field K. For f in F, suppose that the equation g^'=f (i.e., g=intf) has a solution g in G, where G is an elementary extension of F ...
The pedal curve of a logarithmic spiral with parametric equation f = e^(at)cost (1) g = e^(at)sint (2) for a pedal point at the pole is an identical logarithmic spiral x = ...
A two-dimensional map similar to the Hénon map but with the term -alphax_n^2 replaced by -alpha|x_n|. It is given by the equations x_(n+1) = 1-alpha|x_n|+y_n (1) y_(n+1) = ...
For an arbitrary not identically constant polynomial, the zeros of its derivatives lie in the smallest convex polygon containing the zeros of the original polynomial.
A necessary and sufficient condition for all the eigenvalues of a real n×n matrix A to have negative real parts is that the equation A^(T)V+VA=-I has as a solution where V is ...
Let K be a field of field characteristic 0 (e.g., the rationals Q) and let {u_n} be a sequence of elements of K which satisfies a difference equation of the form ...
Two matrices A and B are said to be equal iff a_(ij)=b_(ij) (1) for all i,j. Therefore, [1 2; 3 4]=[1 2; 3 4], (2) while [1 2; 3 4]!=[0 2; 3 4]. (3)
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