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A solvable group is a group having a normal series such that each normal factor is Abelian. The special case of a solvable finite group is a group whose composition indices ...
Stirling's approximation gives an approximate value for the factorial function n! or the gamma function Gamma(n) for n>>1. The approximation can most simply be derived for n ...
The theorem, originally conjectured by Berge (1960, 1961), that a graph is perfect iff neither the graph nor its graph complement contains an odd graph cycle of length at ...
Given a function f(x)=f_0(x), write f_1=f^'(x) and define the Sturm functions by f_n(x)=-{f_(n-2)(x)-f_(n-1)(x)[(f_(n-2)(x))/(f_(n-1)(x))]}, (1) where [P(x)/Q(x)] is a ...
A sum-free set S is a set for which the intersection of S and the sumset S+S is empty. For example, the sum-free sets of {1,2,3} are emptyset, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,3}, and ...
A figurate number Te_n of the form Te_n = sum_(k=1)^(n)T_k (1) = 1/6n(n+1)(n+2) (2) = (n+2; 3), (3) where T_k is the kth triangular number and (n; m) is a binomial ...
A triangle center (sometimes simply called a center) is a point whose trilinear coordinates are defined in terms of the side lengths and angles of a triangle and for which a ...
A triangle center function (sometimes simply called a center function) is a nonzero function f(a,b,c) that is homogeneous f(ta,tb,tc)=t^nf(a,b,c) (1) bisymmetry in b and c, ...
Triangulation is the division of a surface or plane polygon into a set of triangles, usually with the restriction that each triangle side is entirely shared by two adjacent ...
Turmites, also called turning machines, are 2-dimensional Turing machines in which the "tape" consists of a grid of spaces that can be written and erased by an active ...
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