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The appearance of nontrivial zeros (i.e., those along the critical strip with R[z]=1/2) of the Riemann zeta function zeta(z) very close together. An example is the pair of ...
The pedal curve of the parabola with parametric equations x = at^2 (1) y = 2at (2) with pedal point (x_0,y_0) is x_p = ((x_0-a)t^2+y_0t)/(t^2+1) (3) y_p = ...
A linkage with six rods which draws the inverse of a given curve. When a pencil is placed at P, the inverse is drawn at P^' (or vice versa). If a seventh rod (dashed) is ...
There are two awards that each go by the name "Ramanujan Prize": the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize and the ICTP Ramanujan Prize for Young Mathematicians from Developing Countries. ...
Let psi_1(x) and psi_2(x) be any two real integrable functions in [a,b], then Schwarz's inequality is given by |<psi_1|psi_2>|^2<=<psi_1|psi_1><psi_2|psi_2>. (1) Written out ...
That portion of geometry dealing with solids, as opposed to plane geometry. Solid geometry is concerned with polyhedra, spheres, three-dimensional solids, lines in ...
The thin plate spline is the two-dimensional analog of the cubic spline in one dimension. It is the fundamental solution to the biharmonic equation, and has the form ...
The angles mpi/n (with m,n integers) for which the trigonometric functions may be expressed in terms of finite root extraction of real numbers are limited to values of m ...
If replacing each number by its square or cube in a magic square produces another magic square, the square is said to be a trimagic square. Trimagic squares are also called ...
Given a reference triangle DeltaABC and a point P, the triple (x,y,z), with x=PA, y=PB and z=PC representing the distances from P to the vertices of the reference triangle, ...
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