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An isosceles tetrahedron is a nonregular tetrahedron in which each pair of opposite polyhedron edges are equal, i.e., a^'=a, b^'=b, and c^'=c, so that all triangular faces ...
An elliptic curve of the form y^2=x^3+n for n an integer. This equation has a finite number of solutions in integers for all nonzero n. If (x,y) is a solution, it therefore ...
Abel's integral is the definite integral I = int_0^infty(tdt)/((e^(pit)-e^(-pit))(t^2+1)) (1) = 1/2int_(-infty)^infty(tdt)/((e^(pit)-e^(-pit))(t^2+1)) (2) = ...
Given a ship with a known constant direction and speed v, what course should be taken by a chase ship in pursuit (traveling at speed V) in order to intercept the other ship ...
If f has no spectrum in [-lambda,lambda], then ||f||_infty<=pi/(2lambda)||f^'||_infty (1) (Bohr 1935). A related inequality states that if A_k is the class of functions such ...
Let p_n/q_n be the sequence of convergents of the continued fraction of a number alpha. Then a Brjuno number is an irrational number such that ...
The Burridge-Knopoff model is a system of differential equations used to model earthquakes using n points on a straight line, each of mass m, that interact with each other ...
If a plane cuts the sides AB, BC, CD, and DA of a skew quadrilateral ABCD in points P, Q, R, and S, then (AP)/(PB)·(BQ)/(QC)·(CR)/(RD)·(DS)/(SA)=1 both in magnitude and sign ...
Chió pivotal condensation is a method for evaluating an n×n determinant in terms of (n-1)×(n-1) determinants. It also leads to some remarkable determinant identities (Eves ...
A curve of order n is generally determined by n(n+3)/2 points. So a conic section is determined by five points and a cubic curve should require nine. But the Maclaurin-Bézout ...
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