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Operations research is a vast branch of mathematics which encompasses many diverse areas of minimization and optimization. Thousands of books have been written worldwide on ...
Wavelets are a class of a functions used to localize a given function in both space and scaling. A family of wavelets can be constructed from a function psi(x), sometimes ...
Given a curved regression, the correlation index is defined by r_c=(s_(yy^^))/(s_ys_(y^^)), (1) where s_y and s_(y^^) are the standard deviations of the data points y and the ...
The word "class" has many specialized meanings in mathematics in which it refers to a group of objects with some common property (e.g., characteristic class or conjugacy ...
The Spearman rank correlation coefficient, also known as Spearman's rho, is a nonparametric (distribution-free) rank statistic proposed by Spearman in 1904 as a measure of ...
A Saunders graphic is a plot of the dth base-b digits of a function f(x,y) as a function of x and y. The plots above show Saunders graphics for the functions ...
The mathematical study of the likelihood and probability of events occurring based on known information and inferred by taking a limited number of samples. Statistics plays ...
A contingency table, sometimes called a two-way frequency table, is a tabular mechanism with at least two rows and two columns used in statistics to present categorical data ...
A lossless data compression algorithm which uses a small number of bits to encode common characters. Huffman coding approximates the probability for each character as a power ...
"Analysis of Variance." A statistical test for heterogeneity of means by analysis of group variances. ANOVA is implemented as ANOVA[data] in the Wolfram Language package ...
