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An action with G=R^+.
The robustness of a given outcome to small changes in initial conditions or small random fluctuations. Chaos is an example of a process which is not stable.
A smooth structure on a topological manifold (also called a differentiable structure) is given by a smooth atlas of coordinate charts, i.e., the transition functions between ...
A complex manifold is a manifold M whose coordinate charts are open subsets of C^n and the transition functions between charts are holomorphic functions. Naturally, a complex ...
The dominance relation on a set of points in Euclidean n-space is the intersection of the n coordinate-wise orderings. A point p dominates a point q provided that every ...
A differential k-form can be integrated on an n-dimensional manifold. The basic example is an n-form alpha in the open unit ball in R^n. Since alpha is a top-dimensional ...
A hyperbolic linear map R^n->R^n with integer entries in the transformation matrix and determinant +/-1 is an Anosov diffeomorphism of the n-torus, called an Anosov ...
The function f(x)=1-2|x|^(1/2) for x in [-1,1]. The natural invariant is rho(y)=1/2(1-y).
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^3 maps satisfying f(0,0) = 0 (1) [(partialf)/(partialx)]_(mu=0,x=0) = -1 (2) [(partial^2f)/(partialx^2)]_(mu=0,x=0) < 0 (3) ...
rho_(n+1)(x)=intrho_n(y)delta[x-M(y)]dy, where delta(x) is a delta function, M(x) is a map, and rho is the natural invariant.
