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401 - 410 of 1029 for Coordinate SystemsSearch Results

Tarski's theorem says that the first-order theory of reals with +, *, =, and > allows quantifier elimination. Algorithmic quantifier elimination implies decidability assuming ...
A matrix for a round-robin tournament involving n players competing in n(n-1)/2 matches (no ties allowed) having entries a_(ij)={1 if player i defeats player j; -1 if player ...
Solution of a system of second-order homogeneous ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients of the form (d^2x)/(dt^2)+bx=0, where b is a positive definite ...
The Weierstrass substitution is the trigonometric substitution t=tan(theta/2) which transforms an integral of the form intf(costheta,sintheta)dtheta into one of the form ...
WireWorld is a two-dimensional four-color cellular automaton introduced by Brian Silverman in 1987. The rule for the automaton uses the cell's old value a together with the ...
A version of set theory which is a formal system expressed in first-order predicate logic. Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory is based on the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms. ...
An abstract manifold is a manifold in the context of an abstract space with no particular embedding, or representation in mind. It is a topological space with an atlas of ...
Barycentric coordinates (t_1,t_2,t_3) normalized so that they become the areas of the triangles PA_1A_2, PA_1A_3, and PA_2A_3, where P is the point whose coordinates have ...
The azimuthal angle is an angle measured from the x-axis in the xy-plane in spherical coordinates, denoted theta in this work.
A Cartesian curve is a curve specified in Cartesian coordinates. The term "Cartesian curve" is sometimes also used to refer to the Cartesian ovals.
