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2141 - 2150 of 13135 for Coordinate GeometrySearch Results

A spiral that gives the solution to the central orbit problem under a radial force law r^..=-mu|r|^(-3)r^^, (1) where mu is a positive constant. There are three solution ...
A family gamma of nonempty subsets of X whose union contains the given set X (and which contains no duplicated subsets) is called a cover (or covering) of X. For example, ...
Let n points xi_1, ..., xi_n be randomly distributed on a domain S, and let H be some event that depends on the positions of the n points. Let S^' be a domain slightly ...
The Császár polyhedron is a polyhedron that is topologically equivalent to a torus which was discovered in the late 1940s by Ákos Császár (Gardner 1975). It has 7 polyhedron ...
The average number of regions into which n randomly chosen planes divide a cube is N^_(n)=1/(324)(2n+23)n(n-1)pi+n+1 (Finch 2003, p. 482). The maximum number of regions is ...
Given the above figure (without looking at the figure below!), determine how to disengage the two slotted cube halves without cutting, breaking, or distorting. One possible ...
An equation of the form y=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d, (1) where the three roots of the equation coincide (and are therefore real), i.e., y=a(x-r)^3=a(x^3-3rx^2-3r^2x-r^3). (2) Loomis ...
The cubitruncated cuboctahedron (called the cubotruncated cuboctahedron by Wenninger 1971, p. 121) is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 16 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger ...
The cubohemioctahedron is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 15 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 78 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 51 (Coxeter et al. 1954), and Har'El ...
An n-gonal cupola Q_n is a polyhedron having n obliquely oriented triangular and n rectangular faces separating an {n} and a {2n} regular polygon, each oriented horizontally. ...
