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An (m+1)-dimensional subspace W of an (n+1)-dimensional vector space V can be specified by an (m+1)×(n+1) matrix whose rows are the coordinates of a basis of W. The set of ...
The Christoffel symbols are tensor-like objects derived from a Riemannian metric g. They are used to study the geometry of the metric and appear, for example, in the geodesic ...
Homogeneous coordinates (x_1,x_2,x_3) of a finite point (x,y) in the plane are any three numbers for which (x_1)/(x_3)=x (1) (x_2)/(x_3)=y. (2) Coordinates (x_1,x_2,0) for ...
Bipolar coordinates are a two-dimensional system of coordinates. There are two commonly defined types of bipolar coordinates, the first of which is defined by x = ...
A set of curvilinear coordinates defined by x = (asinhv)/(coshv-cosu) (1) y = (asinu)/(coshv-cosu) (2) z = z, (3) where u in [0,2pi), v in (-infty,infty), and z in ...
An authalic latitude which is directly proportional to the spacing of parallels of latitude from the equator on an ellipsoidal Mercator projection. It is defined by ...
Parametric equations are a set of equations that express a set of quantities as explicit functions of a number of independent variables, known as "parameters." For example, ...
1. Find a complete system of invariants, or 2. Decide when two metrics differ only by a coordinate transformation. The most common statement of the problem is, "Given metrics ...
An algebraic manifold is another name for a smooth algebraic variety. It can be covered by coordinate charts so that the transition functions are given by rational functions. ...
Given a smooth manifold M with an open cover U_i, a partition of unity subject to the cover U_i is a collection of smooth, nonnegative functions psi_i, such that the support ...
