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13081 - 13090 of 13135 for Coordinate GeometrySearch Results

The divisor function sigma_k(n) for n an integer is defined as the sum of the kth powers of the (positive integer) divisors of n, sigma_k(n)=sum_(d|n)d^k. (1) It is ...
The dodecahedral graph is the Platonic graph corresponding to the connectivity of the vertices of a dodecahedron, illustrated above in four embeddings. The left embedding ...
The factorial n! is defined for a positive integer n as n!=n(n-1)...2·1. (1) So, for example, 4!=4·3·2·1=24. An older notation for the factorial was written (Mellin 1909; ...
Goldbach's original conjecture (sometimes called the "ternary" Goldbach conjecture), written in a June 7, 1742 letter to Euler, states "at least it seems that every number ...
A cycle of a graph G, also called a circuit if the first vertex is not specified, is a subset of the edge set of G that forms a path such that the first node of the path ...
A Hamiltonian cycle, also called a Hamiltonian circuit, Hamilton cycle, or Hamilton circuit, is a graph cycle (i.e., closed loop) through a graph that visits each node ...
A harmonic number is a number of the form H_n=sum_(k=1)^n1/k (1) arising from truncation of the harmonic series. A harmonic number can be expressed analytically as ...
A generalized hypergeometric function _pF_q(a_1,...,a_p;b_1,...,b_q;x) is a function which can be defined in the form of a hypergeometric series, i.e., a series for which the ...
The m×n knight graph is a graph on mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a knight (which may ...
The word "number" is a general term which refers to a member of a given (possibly ordered) set. The meaning of "number" is often clear from context (i.e., does it refer to a ...
