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10521 - 10530 of 13135 for Coordinate GeometrySearch Results
The vector triple product identity is also known as the BAC-CAB identity, and can be written in the form Ax(BxC) = B(A·C)-C(A·B) (1) (AxB)xC = -Cx(AxB) (2) = -A(B·C)+B(A·C). ...
The versine, also known as the "versed sine," is a little-used trigonometric function defined by versin(z) = 2sin^2(1/2z) (1) = 1-cosz, (2) where sinz is the sine and cosz is ...
A vertex-induced subgraph (sometimes simply called an "induced subgraph") is a subset of the vertices of a graph G together with any edges whose endpoints are both in this ...
The contraction of a pair of vertices v_i and v_j of a graph, also called vertex identification, is the operation that produces a graph in which the two nodes v_1 and v_2 are ...
The vertex cover number is the size of a minimum vertex cover in a graph G is known as the vertex cover number of G, denoted tau(G). The König-Egeváry theorem states that the ...
The vertex set of a graph is simply a set of all vertices of the graph. The cardinality of the vertex set for a given graph g is known as the vertex count of g. The vertex ...
A positive integer n is a veryprime iff all primes p<=sqrt(n) satisfy {|2[n (mod p)]-p|<=1 very strong; |2[n (mod p)]-p|<=sqrt(p) strong; |2[n (mod p)]-p|<=p/2 weak. (1) The ...
The vierergruppe is the Abelian abstract group on four elements that is isomorphic to the finite group C2×C2 and the dihedral group D_2. The multiplication table of one ...
Every sufficiently large odd number is a sum of three primes (Vinogradov 1937). Ramachandra and Sankaranarayanan (1997) have shown that for sufficiently large n, the error ...
Let gamma(G) denote the domination number of a simple graph G. Then Vizing (1963) conjectured that gamma(G)gamma(H)<=gamma(G×H), where G×H is the graph product. While the ...