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The stacked book graph of order (m,n) is defined as the graph Cartesian product S_(m+1) square P_n, where S_m is a star graph and P_n is the path graph on n nodes. It is ...
Define the minimal bounding rectangle as the smallest rectangle containing a given lattice polygon. If the perimeter of the lattice polygon is equal to that of its minimal ...
The number of staircase walks on a grid with m horizontal lines and n vertical lines is given by (m+n; m)=((m+n)!)/(m!n!) (Vilenkin 1971, Mohanty 1979, Narayana 1979, Finch ...
If M^n is a finite simplicial complex of dimension n>=5 that has the homotopy type of the sphere S^n and is locally piecewise linearly homeomorphic to the Euclidean space ...
A standard basis, also called a natural basis, is a special orthonormal vector basis in which each basis vector has a single nonzero entry with value 1. In n-dimensional ...
Consider the sample standard deviation s=sqrt(1/Nsum_(i=1)^N(x_i-x^_)^2) (1) for n samples taken from a population with a normal distribution. The distribution of s is then ...
There appear to be two different definitions of the standard error. The standard error of a sample of sample size n is the sample's standard deviation divided by sqrt(n). It ...
A standard normal distribution is a normal distribution with zero mean (mu=0) and unit variance (sigma^2=1), given by the probability density function and distribution ...
For two random variates X and Y, the correlation is defined bY cor(X,Y)=(cov(X,Y))/(sigma_Xsigma_Y), (1) where sigma_X denotes standard deviation and cov(X,Y) is the ...
The distribution of a variable is a description of the relative numbers of times each possible outcome will occur in a number of trials. The function describing the ...
