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391 - 400 of 2405 for Conjunctive Normal FormSearch Results
The vectors +/-a_1, ..., +/-a_n in a three-space form a normalized eutactic star iff Tx=x for all x in the three-space.
Determined the possible values of r and n for which there is an identity of the form (x_1^2+...+x_r^2)(y_1^2+...+y_r^2)=z_1^2+...+z_n^2.
A basis of a modular system M is any set of polynomials B_1, B_2, ... of M such that every polynomial of M is expressible in the form R_1B_1+R_2B_2+..., where R_1, R_2, ... ...
Topological lower bounds in terms of Betti numbers for the number of critical points form a smooth function on a smooth manifold.
The residual is the sum of deviations from a best-fit curve of arbitrary form. R=sum[y_i-f(x_i,a_1,...,a_n)]^2. The residual should not be confused with the correlation ...
A differential k-form omega of degree p in an exterior algebra ^ V is decomposable if there exist p one-forms alpha_i such that omega=alpha_1 ^ ... ^ alpha_p, (1) where alpha ...
A differential ideal is an ideal I in the ring of smooth forms on a manifold M. That is, it is closed under addition, scalar multiplication, and wedge product with an ...
A complex manifold for which the exterior derivative of the fundamental form Omega associated with the given Hermitian metric vanishes, so dOmega=0. In other words, it is a ...
A Kähler metric is a Riemannian metric g on a complex manifold which gives M a Kähler structure, i.e., it is a Kähler manifold with a Kähler form. However, the term "Kähler ...
Let A be a relational system, and let L be a language which is appropriate for A. Let phi be a well-formed formula of L, and let s be a valuation in A. Then A|=_sphi is ...