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251 - 260 of 479 for Computing with percentsSearch Results
A subset is a portion of a set. B is a subset of A (written B subset= A) iff every member of B is a member of A. If B is a proper subset of A (i.e., a subset other than the ...
A Vandermonde matrix is a type of matrix that arises in the polynomial least squares fitting, Lagrange interpolating polynomials (Hoffman and Kunze p. 114), and the ...
The wedge product is the product in an exterior algebra. If alpha and beta are differential k-forms of degrees p and q, respectively, then alpha ^ beta=(-1)^(pq)beta ^ alpha. ...
Wynn's epsilon-method is a method for numerical evaluation of sums and products that samples a number of additional terms in the series and then tries to extrapolate them by ...
A graceful graph is a graph that can be gracefully labeled. Special cases of graceful graphs include the utility graph K_(2,3) (Gardner 1983) and Petersen graph. A graph that ...
A number is said to be squarefree (or sometimes quadratfrei; Shanks 1993) if its prime decomposition contains no repeated factors. All primes are therefore trivially ...
The Bernoulli numbers B_n are a sequence of signed rational numbers that can be defined by the exponential generating function x/(e^x-1)=sum_(n=0)^infty(B_nx^n)/(n!). (1) ...
An apex graph is a graph possessing at least one vertex whose removal results in a planar graph. The set of vertices whose removal results in a planar graph is known as the ...
An apodization function (also called a tapering function or window function) is a function used to smoothly bring a sampled signal down to zero at the edges of the sampled ...
Bertelsen's number is an erroneous name erroneously given to the erroneous value of pi(10^9)=50847478, where pi(x) is the prime counting function. This value is 56 lower than ...
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