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11501 - 11510 of 13135 for Computational GeometrySearch Results
Every position of every impartial game has a nim-value, making it equivalent to a nim-heap. To find the nim-value (also called the Sprague-Grundy number), take the mex of the ...
A game which is played by the following rules. Given one or more piles (nim-heaps), players alternate by taking all or some of the counters in a single heap. The player ...
An error which is superimposed on top of a true signal. Noise may be random or systematic. Noise can be greatly reduced by transmitting signals digitally instead of in analog ...
Let K be a field of arbitrary characteristic. Let v:K->R union {infty} be defined by the following properties: 1. v(x)=infty<=>x=0, 2. v(xy)=v(x)+v(y) forall x,y in K, and 3. ...
A sequence of positive integers 1<=a_1<a_2<a_3<... (1) is a nonaveraging sequence if it contains no three terms which are in an arithmetic progression, i.e., terms such that ...
The doubly noncentral F-distribution describes the distribution (X/n_1)/(Y/n_2) for two independently distributed noncentral chi-squared variables X:chi_(n_1)^2(lambda_1) and ...
Noncommutative topology is a recent program having important and deep applications in several branches of mathematics and mathematical physics. Because every commutative ...
A nonnegative matrix is a real or integer matrix (a)_(ij) for which each matrix element is a nonnegative number, i.e., a_(ij)>=0 for all i, j. Nonnegative matrices are ...
The norm of a mathematical object is a quantity that in some (possibly abstract) sense describes the length, size, or extent of the object. Norms exist for complex numbers ...
Let G be a simple graph with nonsingular (0,1) adjacency matrix A. If all the diagonal entries of the matrix inverse A^(-1) are zero and all the off-diagonal entries of ...
