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511 - 520 of 1015 for Computational AlgorithmsSearch Results
What is the probability that a chord drawn at random on a circle of radius r (i.e., circle line picking) has length >=r (or sometimes greater than or equal to the side length ...
The Cayley-Menger determinant is a determinant that gives the volume of a simplex in j dimensions. If S is a j-simplex in R^n with vertices v_1,...,v_(j+1) and B=(beta_(ik)) ...
Given a unit circle, pick two points at random on its circumference, forming a chord. Without loss of generality, the first point can be taken as (1,0), and the second by ...
A uniform distribution of points on the circumference of a circle can be obtained by picking a random real number between 0 and 2pi. Picking random points on a circle is ...
Select three points at random on the circumference of a unit circle and find the distribution of areas of the resulting triangles determined by these three points. The first ...
Concentric circles are circles with a common center. The region between two concentric circles of different radii is called an annulus. Any two circles can be made concentric ...
A reduction system is called confluent (or globally confluent) if, for all x, u, and w such that x->_*u and x->_*w, there exists a z such that u->_*z and w->_*z. A reduction ...
A tag system in which a list of n tag rules (each of a special form) is applied to a system in sequential order and then starting again from the first rule. In a cyclic tag ...
Using disk point picking, x = sqrt(r)costheta (1) y = sqrt(r)sintheta (2) for r in [0,1], theta in [0,2pi), choose two points at random in a unit disk and find the ...
Bezdek and Kuperberg (1991) have constructed packings of identical ellipsoids of densities arbitrarily close to ((24sqrt(2)-6sqrt(3)-2pi)pi)/(72)=0.753355... (OEIS A093824), ...
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