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1171 - 1180 of 1210 for Complex SubtractionSearch Results

A p-adic number is an extension of the field of rationals such that congruences modulo powers of a fixed prime p are related to proximity in the so called "p-adic metric." ...
Legendre showed that there is no rational algebraic function which always gives primes. In 1752, Goldbach showed that no polynomial with integer coefficients can give a prime ...
There are many formulas of pi of many types. Among others, these include series, products, geometric constructions, limits, special values, and pi iterations. pi is ...
Replacing the logistic equation (dx)/(dt)=rx(1-x) (1) with the quadratic recurrence equation x_(n+1)=rx_n(1-x_n), (2) where r (sometimes also denoted mu) is a positive ...
The word "algebra" is a distortion of the Arabic title of a treatise by al-Khwārizmī about algebraic methods. In modern usage, algebra has several meanings. One use of the ...
A cellular automaton is a collection of "colored" cells on a grid of specified shape that evolves through a number of discrete time steps according to a set of rules based on ...
The nth central binomial coefficient is defined as (2n; n) = ((2n)!)/((n!)^2) (1) = (2^n(2n-1)!!)/(n!), (2) where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient, n! is a factorial, and n!! ...
The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind are a set of orthogonal polynomials defined as the solutions to the Chebyshev differential equation and denoted T_n(x). They are ...
For any ideal I in a Dedekind ring, there is an ideal I_i such that II_i=z, (1) where z is a principal ideal, (i.e., an ideal of rank 1). Moreover, for a Dedekind ring with a ...
A Dirichlet L-series is a series of the form L_k(s,chi)=sum_(n=1)^inftychi_k(n)n^(-s), (1) where the number theoretic character chi_k(n) is an integer function with period k, ...
