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911 - 920 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results

A point B is said to lie between points A and C (where A, B, and C are distinct collinear points) if AB+BC=AC. A number of Euclid's proofs depend on the idea of betweenness ...
Given a subset S subset R^n and a point x in S, the contingent cone K_S(x) at x with respect to S is defined to be the set K_S(x)={h:d_S^-(x;h)=0} where d_S^- is the upper ...
A covering map (also called a covering or projection) is a surjective open map f:X->Y that is locally a homeomorphism, meaning that each point in X has a neighborhood that is ...
An equivalence relation on a set X is a subset of X×X, i.e., a collection R of ordered pairs of elements of X, satisfying certain properties. Write "xRy" to mean (x,y) is an ...
A fiber of a map f:X->Y is the preimage of an element y in Y. That is, f^(-1)(y)={x in X:f(x)=y}. For instance, let X and Y be the complex numbers C. When f(z)=z^2, every ...
Let G be a group and S be a topological G-set. Then a closed subset F of S is called a fundamental domain of G in S if S is the union of conjugates of F, i.e., S= union _(g ...
A graphoid consists of a set M of elements together with two collections C and D of nonempty subsets of M, called circuits and cocircuits respectively, such that 1. For any C ...
The axioms formulated by Hausdorff (1919) for his concept of a topological space. These axioms describe the properties satisfied by subsets of elements x in a neighborhood ...
A linear system of equations is a set of n linear equations in k variables (sometimes called "unknowns"). Linear systems can be represented in matrix form as the matrix ...
Mergelyan's theorem can be stated as follows (Krantz 1999). Let K subset= C be compact and suppose C^*\K has only finitely many connected components. If f in C(K) is ...
