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351 - 360 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
If three skew lines all meet three other skew lines, any transversal to the first set of three meets any transversal to the second set of three.
The term pairwise refers to taking all unordered 2-subsets of a given set. For example, the pairwise products of the set {a,b,c} are ab, ac, and bc.
A set of blocks, also called a resolution class, that partition the set V, where (V,B) is a balanced incomplete block design.
The Schnirelmann density of a set of nonnegative integers is the greatest lower bound of the fractions A(n)/n where A(n) is the number of terms in the set <=n.
For a subgroup H of a group G, the index of H, denoted (G:H), is the cardinal number of the set of left cosets of H in G (which is equal to the cardinal number of the set of ...
In set theory, a unary operation on set A is a function A->A. More generally, a unary operation is a function with exactly one operand, such as the factorial, square root, or ...
A function is a relation that uniquely associates members of one set with members of another set. More formally, a function from A to B is an object f such that every a in A ...
The set A^2 of all ordered pairs of complex numbers.
A set of values of similar meaning obtained in any manner.
The kernel of a symmetric bilinear form Q:V×V-->R is the set Ker(Q)={v in V|Q(v,w)=0 for all w in V}.
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