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281 - 290 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results

The connected domination number of a connected graph G, denoted d(G), is the size of a minimum connected dominating set of a graph G. The maximum leaf number l(G) and ...
A set of statistical distributions having the same variance.
A system of equations is any set of simultaneous equations.
Also called indiscrete topology, the trivial topology is the smallest topology on a set X, namely the one in which the only open sets are the empty set and the entire set X. ...
Let C be a smooth geometrically connected projective curve over F_q with q=p^s a prime power. Let infty be a fixed closed point of X but not necessarily F_q-rational. A ...
The smallest statistical rank (either up or down) of a set of data.
The set of rules for manipulating and calculating with tensors.
The unitary group U_n(q) is the set of n×n unitary matrices.
The cocktail party graph of order n, also called the hyperoctahedral graph (Biggs 1993, p. 17), n-octahedron graph O_n (Jungerman and Ringel 1978), matching graph (Arvind et ...
A fullerene is a cubic polyhedral graph having all faces 5- or 6-cycles. Examples include the 20-vertex dodecahedral graph, 24-vertex generalized Petersen graph GP(12,2), ...
