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2311 - 2320 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
Like the entire harmonic series, the harmonic series sum_(k=1)^infty1/(p_k)=infty (1) taken over all primes p_k also diverges, as first shown by Euler in 1737 (Nagell 1951, ...
Given a sequence of values {a_k}_(k=1)^n, the high-water marks are the values at which the running maximum increases. For example, given a sequence (3,5,7,8,8,5,7,9,2,5) with ...
The notion of a Hilbert C^*-module is a generalization of the notion of a Hilbert space. The first use of such objects was made by Kaplansky (1953). The research on Hilbert ...
The first example discovered of a map from a higher-dimensional sphere to a lower-dimensional sphere which is not null-homotopic. Its discovery was a shock to the ...
There are a number of formulas variously known as Hurwitz's formula. The first is zeta(1-s,a)=(Gamma(s))/((2pi)^s)[e^(-piis/2)F(a,s)+e^(piis/2)F(-a,s)], where zeta(z,a) is a ...
The impossible fork (Seckel 2002, p. 151), also known as the devil's pitchfork (Singmaster), blivet, or poiuyt, is a classic impossible figure originally due to Schuster ...
An integral embedding of a graph, not to be confused with an integral graph, is a graph drawn such that vertices are distinct points and all graph edges have integer lengths. ...
An isolated point of a graph is a node of degree 0 (Hartsfield and Ringel 1990, p. 8; Harary 1994, p. 15; D'Angelo and West 2000, p. 212; West 2000, p. 22). The number of ...
An isosceles triangle is a triangle with (at least) two equal sides. In the figure above, the two equal sides have length b and the remaining side has length a. This property ...
The Johnson triangle DeltaJ_AJ_BJ_C, a term coined here for the first time, is the triangle formed by the centers of the Johnson circles. It has trilinear vertex matrix ...
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