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2241 - 2250 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
A triple of three arbitrary vectors with common vertex (Altshiller-Court 1979), often called a trihedral angle since it determines three planes. The vectors are often taken ...
Related to or being the mathematically most simple case. More generally, the word "trivial" is used to describe any result which requires little or no effort to derive or ...
Over a small neighborhood U of a manifold, a vector bundle is spanned by the local sections defined on U. For example, in a coordinate chart U with coordinates (x_1,...,x_n), ...
An unhappy number is a number that is not happy, i.e., a number n such that iterating this sum-of-squared-digits map starting with n never reaches the number 1. The first few ...
A particle P is said to be undergoing uniform circular motion if its radius vector in appropriate coordinates has the form (x(t),y(t),0), where x(t) = Rcos(omegat) (1) y(t) = ...
A uniquely Hamiltonian graph is a graph possessing a single Hamiltonian cycle. Classes of uniquely Hamiltonian graphs include the cycle graphs C_n, Hanoi graphs H_n, ladder ...
Let h:{0,1}^(l(n))×{0,1}^n->{0,1}^(m(n)) be efficiently computable by an algorithm (solving a P-problem). For fixed y in {0,1}^(l(n)), view h(x,y) as a function h_y(x) of x ...
If W is a k-dimensional subspace of a vector space V with inner product <,>, then it is possible to project vectors from V to W. The most familiar projection is when W is the ...
The Yff circles are the two triplets of congruent circle in which each circle is tangent to two sides of a reference triangle. In each case, the triplets intersect pairwise ...
The Zak transform is a signal transform relevant to time-continuous signals sampled at a uniform rate and an arbitrary clock phase (Janssen 1988). The Zak transform of a ...
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