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1031 - 1040 of 2557 for Complement Set,Search Results
The mean square displacement (MSD) of a set of N displacements x_n is given by <|x|^2>=sum_(k=1)^N|x_k|^2. It arises particularly in Brownian motion and random walk problems. ...
Let f be analytic on a domain U subset= C, and assume that f never vanishes. Then if there is a point z_0 in U such that |f(z_0)|<=|f(z)| for all z in U, then f is constant. ...
Let M be a finitely generated module over a commutative Noetherian ring R. Then there exists a finite set {N_i|1<=i<=l} of submodules of M such that 1. intersection ...
The Paley class of a positive integer m=0 (mod 4) is defined as the set of all possible quadruples (k,e,q,n) where m=2^e(q^n+1), (1) q is an odd prime, and k={0 if q=0; 1 if ...
1. Zero is a number. 2. If a is a number, the successor of a is a number. 3. zero is not the successor of a number. 4. Two numbers of which the successors are equal are ...
The set of all points x that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with sets of essentially distinct values of five homogeneous coordinates x_0:x_1:x_2:x_3:x_4, not all ...
The symbol +/- is used to denote a quantity which should be both added and subtracted, as in a+/-b. The symbol can be used to denote a range of uncertainty, or to denote a ...
Given a vector space V, its projectivization P(V), sometimes written P(V-0), is the set of equivalence classes x∼lambdax for any lambda!=0 in V-0. For example, complex ...
The Rabinovich-Fabrikant equation is the set of coupled linear ordinary differential equations given by x^. = y(z-1+x^2)+gammax (1) y^. = x(3z+1-x^2)+gammay (2) z^. = ...
A subset M subset R^n is called a regular surface if for each point p in M, there exists a neighborhood V of p in R^n and a map x:U->R^n of an open set U subset R^2 onto V ...
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