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151 - 160 of 763 for Chi Squared DistributionSearch Results
Let a simple graph G have n vertices, chromatic polynomial P(x), and chromatic number chi. Then P(G) can be written as P(G)=sum_(i=0)^ha_i·(x)_(p-i), where h=n-chi and (x)_k ...
A uniquely k-colorable graph G is a chi-colorable graph such that every chi-coloring gives the same partition of G (Chao 2001). Examples of uniquely minimal colorable classes ...
A weakly perfect graph is a graph for which omega(G)=chi(G) (without any requirement that this condition also hold on induced subgraphs, which is required for a graph to be ...
A statistic w on the symmetric group S_n is called a weighted inversion statistic if there exists an upper triangular matrix W=(w_(ij)) such that ...
A graph G having chromatic number chi(G)<=k is called a k-colorable graph (Harary 1994, p. 127). In contrast, a graph having chi(G)=k is said to be a k-chromatic graph. Note ...
The standard deviation sigma of a probability distribution is defined as the square root of the variance sigma^2, sigma = sqrt(<x^2>-<x>^2) (1) = sqrt(mu_2^'-mu^2), (2) where ...
A test used to determine the statistical significance of an observation. Two main types of error can occur: 1. A type I error occurs when a false negative result is obtained ...
The median of a statistical distribution with distribution function D(x) is the value x such D(x)=1/2. For a symmetric distribution, it is therefore equal to the mean. Given ...
The correlation coefficient, sometimes also called the cross-correlation coefficient, Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC), Pearson's r, the Perason product-moment ...
Given the functional (1) find in a class of arcs satisfying p differential and q finite equations phi_alpha(y_1,...,y_n;y_1^',...,y_n^')=0 for alpha=1,...,p ...