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Let n be an integer variable which tends to infinity and let x be a continuous variable tending to some limit. Also, let phi(n) or phi(x) be a positive function and f(n) or ...
Bipolar coordinates are a two-dimensional system of coordinates. There are two commonly defined types of bipolar coordinates, the first of which is defined by x = ...
A set of curvilinear coordinates defined by x = (asinhv)/(coshv-cosu) (1) y = (asinu)/(coshv-cosu) (2) z = z, (3) where u in [0,2pi), v in (-infty,infty), and z in ...
A bounded operator T:V->W between two Banach spaces satisfies the inequality ||Tv||<=C||v||, (1) where C is a constant independent of the choice of v in V. The inequality is ...
The quartic surface obtained by replacing the constant b in the equation of the Cassini ovals with b=z, obtaining [(x-a)^2+y^2][(x+a)^2+y^2]=z^4. (1) As can be seen by ...
A Cayley tree is a tree in which each non-leaf graph vertex has a constant number of branches n is called an n-Cayley tree. 2-Cayley trees are path graphs. The unique ...
A spiral that gives the solution to the central orbit problem under a radial force law r^..=-mu|r|^(-3)r^^, (1) where mu is a positive constant. There are three solution ...
Critical damping is a special case of damped simple harmonic motion x^..+betax^.+omega_0^2x=0, (1) in which D=beta^2-4omega_0^2=0, (2) where beta is the damping constant. ...
Let 0<k^2<1. The incomplete elliptic integral of the third kind is then defined as Pi(n;phi,k) = int_0^phi(dtheta)/((1-nsin^2theta)sqrt(1-k^2sin^2theta)) (1) = ...
In 1750, Benjamin Franklin constructed the above 8×8 semimagic square having magic constant 260. Any half-row or half-column in this square totals 130, and the four corners ...