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The 16-cell beta_4 is the finite regular four-dimensional cross polytope with Schläfli symbol {3,3,4}. It is also known as the hyperoctahedron (Buekenhout and Parker 1998) or ...
A manifold is a topological space that is locally Euclidean (i.e., around every point, there is a neighborhood that is topologically the same as the open unit ball in R^n). ...
The word net has several meanings in mathematics. It refers to a plane diagram in which the polyhedron edges of a polyhedron are shown, a point set satisfying certain ...
The pentatope is the simplest regular figure in four dimensions, representing the four-dimensional analog of the solid tetrahedron. It is also called the 5-cell, since it ...
The game of tic-tac-toe, also spelled ticktacktoe and also known as 3-in-a-row or "naughts and crosses," is a game in which players alternate placing pieces (typically Xs for ...
An abstract vector space of dimension n over a field k is the set of all formal expressions a_1v_1+a_2v_2+...+a_nv_n, (1) where {v_1,v_2,...,v_n} is a given set of n objects ...
A theorem which effectively describes how lengths, areas, volumes, and generalized n-dimensional volumes (contents) are distorted by differentiable functions. In particular, ...
From the point of view of coordinate charts, the notion of tangent space is quite simple. The tangent space consists of all directions, or velocities, a particle can take. In ...
The circle map is a one-dimensional map which maps a circle onto itself theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n), (1) where theta_(n+1) is computed mod 1 and K is a ...
A number of attractive cube 6-compounds can be constructed. A first (left figures) is obtained by combining six cubes, each rotated by 1/6 of a turn about the line joining ...
