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The Hurwitz zeta function zeta(s,a) is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) that is also known as the generalized zeta function. It is classically defined by ...
An order-n Costas array is a permutation on {1,...,n} such that the distances in each row of the triangular difference table are distinct. For example, the permutation ...
Zarankiewicz's conjecture asserts that graph crossing number for a complete bipartite graph K_(m,n) is Z(m,n)=|_n/2_||_(n-1)/2_||_m/2_||_(m-1)/2_|, (1) where |_x_| is the ...
The prime number theorem gives an asymptotic form for the prime counting function pi(n), which counts the number of primes less than some integer n. Legendre (1808) suggested ...
The quaternions are members of a noncommutative division algebra first invented by William Rowan Hamilton. The idea for quaternions occurred to him while he was walking along ...
Smarandache sequences are any of a number of simply generated integer sequences resembling those considered in published works by Smarandache such as the consecutive number ...
The finite difference is the discrete analog of the derivative. The finite forward difference of a function f_p is defined as Deltaf_p=f_(p+1)-f_p, (1) and the finite ...
Machin-like formulas have the form mcot^(-1)u+ncot^(-1)v=1/4kpi, (1) where u, v, and k are positive integers and m and n are nonnegative integers. Some such formulas can be ...
The computation of points or values between ones that are known or tabulated using the surrounding points or values. In particular, given a univariate function f=f(x), ...
