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281 - 290 of 861 for Bretschneider's FormulaSearch Results
A special case of Apollonius' problem requiring the determination of a circle touching three mutually tangent circles (also called the kissing circles problem). There are two ...
The W polynomials obtained by setting p(x)=x and q(x)=1 in the Lucas polynomial sequence. (The corresponding w polynomials are called Lucas polynomials.) They have explicit ...
Consider the recurrence relation x_n=(1+x_0^2+x_1^2+...+x_(n-1)^2)/n, (1) with x_0=1. The first few iterates of x_n are 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 28, 154, ... (OEIS A003504). The terms ...
Self-recursion is a recursion that is defined in terms of itself, resulting in an ill-defined infinite regress. The formula for the volume of a cylinder leads to the ...
Given three noncollinear points, construct three tangent circles such that one is centered at each point and the circles are pairwise tangent to one another. Then there exist ...
Let |A| denote the cardinal number of set A, then it follows immediately that |A union B|=|A|+|B|-|A intersection B|, (1) where union denotes union, and intersection denotes ...
The transformation of a sequence a_1, a_2, ... with a_n=sum_(d|n)b_d (1) into the sequence b_1, b_2, ... via the Möbius inversion formula, b_n=sum_(d|n)mu(n/d)a_d. (2) The ...
The permanent is an analog of a determinant where all the signs in the expansion by minors are taken as positive. The permanent of a matrix A is the coefficient of x_1...x_n ...
Let B_t={B_t(omega)/omega in Omega}, t>=0, be one-dimensional Brownian motion. Integration with respect to B_t was defined by Itô (1951). A basic result of the theory is that ...
The asymptotic series for the gamma function is given by (1) (OEIS A001163 and A001164). The coefficient a_n of z^(-n) can given explicitly by ...
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