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241 - 250 of 861 for Bretschneider's FormulaSearch Results

If P(n) is a sentential formula depending on a variable n ranging in a set of real numbers, the sentence P(n) for every sufficiently large n (1) means exists N such that P(n) ...
Let T(x,y,z) be the number of times "otherwise" is called in the TAK function, then the Takeuchi numbers are defined by T_n(n,0,n+1). A recursive formula for T_n is given by ...
A tautology is a logical statement in which the conclusion is equivalent to the premise. More colloquially, it is formula in propositional calculus which is always true ...
The 2-point Newton-Cotes formula int_(x_1)^(x_2)f(x)dx=1/2h(f_1+f_2)-1/(12)h^3f^('')(xi), where f_i=f(x_i), h is the separation between the points, and xi is a point ...
Let the values of a function f(x) be tabulated at points x_i equally spaced by h=x_(i+1)-x_i, so f_1=f(x_1), f_2=f(x_2), .... Then Weddle's rule approximating the integral of ...
A bicentric quadrilateral, also called a cyclic-inscriptable quadrilateral, is a four-sided bicentric polygon. The inradius r, circumradius R, and offset x are connected by ...
The two recursive sequences U_n = mU_(n-1)+U_(n-2) (1) V_n = mV_(n-1)+V_(n-2) (2) with U_0=0, U_1=1 and V_0=2, V_1=m, can be solved for the individual U_n and V_n. They are ...
Due to Euler's prolific output, there are a great number of theorems that are know by the name "Euler's theorem." A sampling of these are Euler's displacement theorem for ...
Specifying three sides uniquely determines a triangle whose area is given by Heron's formula, K=sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)), (1) where s=1/2(a+b+c) (2) is the semiperimeter of the ...
An interpretation of first-order logic consists of a non-empty domain D and mappings for function and predicate symbols. Every n-place function symbol is mapped to a function ...
