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A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. The object need not exhibit exactly the same structure at all ...
The greatest common divisor, sometimes also called the highest common divisor (Hardy and Wright 1979, p. 20), of two positive integers a and b is the largest divisor common ...
A Gröbner basis G for a system of polynomials A is an equivalence system that possesses useful properties, for example, that another polynomial f is a combination of those in ...
Let x be a real number, and let R be the set of positive real numbers mu for which 0<|x-p/q|<1/(q^mu) (1) has (at most) finitely many solutions p/q for p and q integers. Then ...
The partial differential equation u_t+u_(xxx)-6uu_x=0 (1) (Lamb 1980; Zwillinger 1997, p. 175), often abbreviated "KdV." This is a nondimensionalized version of the equation ...
An n×n Latin square is a Latin rectangle with k=n. Specifically, a Latin square consists of n sets of the numbers 1 to n arranged in such a way that no orthogonal (row or ...
A mathematical procedure for finding the best-fitting curve to a given set of points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the offsets ("the residuals") of the points from ...
The Mittag-Leffler function (Mittag-Leffler 1903, 1905) is an entire function defined by the series E_alpha(z)=sum_(k=0)^infty(z^k)/(Gamma(alphak+1)) (1) for alpha>0. It is ...
A graph is planar if it can be drawn in a plane without graph edges crossing (i.e., it has graph crossing number 0). The number of planar graphs with n=1, 2, ... nodes are 1, ...
If there is an integer 0<x<p such that x^2=q (mod p), (1) i.e., the congruence (1) has a solution, then q is said to be a quadratic residue (mod p). Note that the trivial ...
