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Given a planar graph G, a geometric dual graph and combinatorial dual graph can be defined. Whitney showed that these are equivalent (Harary 1994), so that one may speak of ...
Consider a first-order ODE in the slightly different form p(x,y)dx+q(x,y)dy=0. (1) Such an equation is said to be exact if (partialp)/(partialy)=(partialq)/(partialx). (2) ...
A fusene is a simple planar 2-connected graph embedded in the plane with all vertices of degree 2 or 3, all bounded faces (not necessarily regular) hexagons, and all vertices ...
The centroid is center of mass of a two-dimensional planar lamina or a three-dimensional solid. The mass of a lamina with surface density function sigma(x,y) is ...
A Halin graph, sometimes known as a roofless polyhedron, is a polyhedral graph constructed from a planar embedding of a tree having four or more vertices, no vertices of ...
The (circular) helicoid is the minimal surface having a (circular) helix as its boundary. It is the only ruled minimal surface other than the plane (Catalan 1842, do Carmo ...
Martin Gardner (1975) played an April Fool's joke by asserting that the map of 110 regions illustrated above (left figure) required five colors and constitutes a ...
A power series in a variable z is an infinite sum of the form sum_(i=0)^inftya_iz^i, where a_i are integers, real numbers, complex numbers, or any other quantities of a given ...
In algebraic topology, the Reidemeister torsion is a notion originally introduced as a topological invariant of 3-manifolds which has now been widely adapted to a variety of ...
There are a number of equations known as the Riccati differential equation. The most common is z^2w^('')+[z^2-n(n+1)]w=0 (1) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 445; Zwillinger ...
