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The large Witt graph, also called the octad graph (Brouwer) or Witt graph (, is the graph whose vertices are the 759 blocks of a Steiner system S(5,8,24) ...
The nth-order Menger sponge graph is the connectivity graph of cubes in the nth iteration of the Menger sponge fractal. The first two iterations are shown above. The n-Menger ...
The Jahangir graph J_(n,m) is a kind of generalized wheel graph with consisting of mn circular vertices and a central vertex connected to every mth vertex around the circle. ...
Let m(G) be the cycle rank of a graph G, m^*(G) be the cocycle rank, and the relative complement G-H of a subgraph H of G be defined as that subgraph obtained by deleting the ...
A Moore graph of type (v,g) is a regular graph of vertex degree v>2 and girth g that contains the maximum possible number of nodes, namely ...
The Jørgensen graph is a maximally linklessly embeddable graph on 8 vertices and 21 edges, where "maximal" means it is not a proper subgraph of another linklessly embeddable ...
A quintic nonhamiltonian graph is a quintic graph that is nonhamiltonian. A number of such graphs are illustrated above. Owens (1980) showed that there exists a ...
The Berlekamp-van Lint-Seidel graph is the Hamiltonian strongly regular graph on 243 vertices with parameters (243,22,1,2). It is also distance-regular with intersection ...
The great rhombicuboctahedral graph is the cubic Archimedean graph on 48 nodes and 72 edges that is the skeleton of the great rhombicuboctahedron as well as the great ...
A Lucas cube graph of order n is a graph that can be defined based on the n-Fibonacci cube graph by forbidding vertex strings that have a 1 both in the first and last ...
