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Surface area is the area of a given surface. Roughly speaking, it is the "amount" of a surface (i.e., it is proportional to the amount of paint needed to cover it), and has ...
A symmetric bilinear form on a vector space V is a bilinear function Q:V×V->R (1) which satisfies Q(v,w)=Q(w,v). For example, if A is a n×n symmetric matrix, then ...
A symmetric polynomial on n variables x_1, ..., x_n (also called a totally symmetric polynomial) is a function that is unchanged by any permutation of its variables. In other ...
A tag system is set of rules that specifies a fixed number of elements (commonly denoted nu or beta) be removed from the beginning of a sequence and a set of elements to be ...
By analogy with the sinc function, define the tanc function by tanc(z)={(tanz)/z for z!=0; 1 for z=0. (1) Since tanz/z is not a cardinal function, the "analogy" with the sinc ...
Any four mutually tangent spheres determine six points of tangency. A pair of tangencies (t_i,t_j) is said to be opposite if the two spheres determining t_i are distinct from ...
The tangential triangle is the triangle DeltaT_AT_BT_C formed by the lines tangent to the circumcircle of a given triangle DeltaABC at its vertices. It is therefore antipedal ...
From the feet H_A, H_B, and H_C of each altitude of a triangle DeltaABC, draw lines (H_AP_A,H_AQ_A), (H_BP_B,H_BQ_B), (H_CP_C,H_CQ_C) perpendicular to the adjacent sides, as ...
The total number of contravariant and covariant indices of a tensor. The rank R of a tensor is independent of the number of dimensions N of the underlying space. An intuitive ...
A number of attractive tetrahedron 5-compounds can be constructed. The first (left figures) is one of the icosahedron stellations in which the 5×4 vertices of the tetrahedra ...
