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A solvable group is a group having a normal series such that each normal factor is Abelian. The special case of a solvable finite group is a group whose composition indices ...
The Somos sequences are a set of related symmetrical recurrence relations which, surprisingly, always give integers. The Somos sequence of order k, or Somos-k sequence, is ...
Somos's quadratic recurrence constant is defined via the sequence g_n=ng_(n-1)^2 (1) with g_0=1. This has closed-form solution ...
A special function is a function (usually named after an early investigator of its properties) having a particular use in mathematical physics or some other branch of ...
A spectral sequence is a tool of homological algebra that has many applications in algebra, algebraic geometry, and algebraic topology. Roughly speaking, a spectral sequence ...
Sphere tetrahedron picking is the selection of quadruples of of points corresponding to vertices of a tetrahedron with vertices on the surface of a sphere. n random ...
Stratton (1935), Chu and Stratton (1941), and Rhodes (1970) define the spheroidal functions as those solutions of the differential equation (1) that remain finite at the ...
The common incircle of the medial triangle DeltaM_AM_BM_C (left figure) and the congruent triangle DeltaQ_AQ_BQ_C, where Q_i are the midpoints of the line segment joining the ...
The sporadic groups are the 26 finite simple groups that do not fit into any of the four infinite families of finite simple groups (i.e., the cyclic groups of prime order, ...
Square line picking is the selection of pairs of points (corresponding to endpoints of a line segment) randomly placed inside a square. n random line segments can be picked ...
