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The Cantor set T_infty, sometimes also called the Cantor comb or no middle third set (Cullen 1968, pp. 78-81), is given by taking the interval [0,1] (set T_0), removing the ...
Define a carefree couple as a pair of positive integers (a,b) such that a and b are relatively prime (i.e., GCD(a,b)=1) and a is squarefree. Similarly, define a strongly ...
Cartesian coordinates are rectilinear two- or three-dimensional coordinates (and therefore a special case of curvilinear coordinates) which are also called rectangular ...
Four circles c_1, c_2, c_3, and c_4 are tangent to a fifth circle or a straight line iff T_(12)T_(34)+/-T_(13)T_(42)+/-T_(14)T_(23)=0. (1) where T_(ij) is the length of a ...
A catacaustic is a curve that is the envelope of rays emanating from a specified point (or a point at infinite distance producing parallel rays) for a given mirror shape. The ...
Based on methods developer in collaboration with M. Leclert, Catalan (1865) computed the constant K=0.915965594177... (OEIS A006752) now known as Catalans' constant to 9 ...
A catenary of revolution. The catenoid and plane are the only surfaces of revolution which are also minimal surfaces. The catenoid can be given by the parametric equations x ...
The Cayley-Purser algorithm is a public-key cryptography algorithm that relies on the fact that matrix multiplication is not commutative. It was devised by Sarah Flannery ...
Cayley's cubic surface is the unique cubic surface having four ordinary double points (Hunt), the maximum possible for cubic surface (Endraß). The Cayley cubic is invariant ...
The function [x] which gives the smallest integer >=x, shown as the thick curve in the above plot. Schroeder (1991) calls the ceiling function symbols the "gallows" because ...
