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In complex analysis, a branch (also called a sheet) is a portion of the range of a multivalued function over which the function is single-valued. Combining all the sheets ...
A lattice L is said to be oriented if there exists a rule which assigns a specified direction to any edge connecting arbitrary lattice points x_i,x_j in L. In that way, an ...
A random-connection model (RCM) is a graph-theoretic model of continuum percolation theory characterized by the existence of a stationary point process X and a non-increasing ...
A bar graph is any plot of a set of data such that the number of data elements falling within one or more categories is indicated using a rectangle whose height or width is a ...
The diagonal of a polyhedron is any line segment connecting two nonadjacent vertices of the polyhedron. Any polyhedron having no diagonals must have a skeleton which is a ...
The Steiner tree of some subset of the vertices of a graph G is a minimum-weight connected subgraph of G that includes all the vertices. It is always a tree. Steiner trees ...
The Ramsey number R(m,n) gives the solution to the party problem, which asks the minimum number of guests R(m,n) that must be invited so that at least m will know each other ...
A cube 9-compound can be constructed from the vertices of the first dodecahedron 2-compound. It will be implemented in a future version of the Wolfram Language as ...
A Pareto plot is type of plot used in quality control applications that combines a bar chart displaying percentages of categories in the data with a line graph showing ...
In discrete percolation theory, bond percolation is a percolation model on a regular point lattice L=L^d in d-dimensional Euclidean space which considers the lattice graph ...
