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The d-dimensional rigidity matrix M(G) of a graph G with vertex count n, edge count m in the variables v_i=(x_1,...,x_d) is the m×(dn) matrix with rows indexed by the edges ...
For a graph G and a subset S^t of the vertex set V(G), denote by N_G^t[S^t] the set of vertices in G which are adjacent to a vertex in S^t. If N_G^t[S^t]=V(G), then S^t is ...
A weakly connected digraph is a directed graph in which it is possible to reach any node starting from any other node by traversing edges in some direction (i.e., not ...
A minimal vertex cut is an vertex cut of a graph that is not a proper subset of any other vertex cut. Every minimum vertex cut is a minimal vertex cut, but the converse does ...
A cycle of a finite group G is a minimal set of elements {A^0,A^1,...,A^n} such that A^0=A^n=I, where I is the identity element. A diagram of a group showing every cycle in ...
The (lower) irredundance number ir(G) of a graph G is the minimum size of a maximal irredundant set of vertices in G. The upper irredundance number is defined as the maximum ...
The upper domination number Gamma(G) of a graph G is the maximum size of a minimal dominating set of vertices in G. The (lower) domination number may be similarly defined as ...
The upper irredundance number IR(G) of a graph G is the maximum size of an irredundant set of vertices in G. It is therefore equal to the size of a maximum irredundant set as ...
The Fano plane is the configuration consisting of the two-dimensional finite projective plane over GF(2) ("of order two"), illustrated above. It is a block design with nu=7, ...
A weakly binary tree is a planted tree in which all nonroot graph vertices are adjacent to at most three graph vertices. Let g(z)=sum_(i=0)^inftyg_iz^i, (1) be the generating ...
