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A sum-free set S is a set for which the intersection of S and the sumset S+S is empty. For example, the sum-free sets of {1,2,3} are emptyset, {1}, {2}, {3}, {1,3}, and ...
A tree with its nodes labeled. The number of labeled trees on n nodes is n^(n-2), the first few values of which are 1, 1, 3, 16, 125, 1296, ... (OEIS A000272). Cayley (1889) ...
The large Witt graph, also called the octad graph (Brouwer) or Witt graph (, is the graph whose vertices are the 759 blocks of a Steiner system S(5,8,24) ...
A cactus graph, sometimes also called a cactus tree, a mixed Husimi tree, or a polygonal cactus with bridges, is a connected graph in which any two graph cycles have no edge ...
The Hilbert curve is a Lindenmayer system invented by Hilbert (1891) whose limit is a plane-filling function which fills a square. Traversing the polyhedron vertices of an ...
The Gershgorin circle theorem (where "Gershgorin" is sometimes also spelled "Gersgorin" or "Gerschgorin") identifies a region in the complex plane that contains all the ...
A digit sum s_b(n) is a sum of the base-b digits of n, which can be implemented in the Wolfram Language as DigitSum[n_, b_:10] := Total[IntegerDigits[n, b]]The following ...
A formal description of the constraints on the possible configurations of an experiment which is subject to given conditions. A design is sometimes called an experimental ...
The game of life is the best-known two-dimensional cellular automaton, invented by John H. Conway and popularized in Martin Gardner's Scientific American column starting in ...
A Hadamard matrix is a type of square (-1,1)-matrix invented by Sylvester (1867) under the name of anallagmatic pavement, 26 years before Hadamard (1893) considered them. In ...
