
Search Results for "Bessel Function"

1941 - 1950 of 3359 for Bessel FunctionSearch Results
Define the "information function" to be I=-sum_(i=1)^NP_i(epsilon)ln[P_i(epsilon)], (1) where P_i(epsilon) is the natural measure, or probability that element i is populated, ...
The inverse haversine function hav^(-1)(z) is defined by hav^(-1)(z)=2sin^(-1)(sqrt(z)). (1) The inverse haversine is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
A relation connecting the values of a meromorphic function inside a disk with its boundary values on the circumference and with its zeros and poles (Jensen 1899, Levin 1980). ...
The problem of determining how many nonattacking kings can be placed on an n×n chessboard. For n=8, the solution is 16, as illustrated above (Madachy 1979). In general, the ...
The point Ko of concurrence in Kosnita theorem, i.e., the point of concurrence of the lines connecting the vertices A, B, and C of a triangle DeltaABC with the circumcenters ...
The Lemoine ellipse is an inconic (that is always an ellipse) that has inconic parameters x:y:z=(2(b^2+c^2)-a^2)/(bc):(2(a^2+c^2)-b^2)/(ac): (2(a^2+b^2)-c^2)/(ab). (1) The ...
The Lester circle is the circle on which the circumcenter C, nine-point center N, and the first and second Fermat points X and X^' lie (Kimberling 1998, pp. 229-230). Besides ...
Infinite series of various simple functions of the logarithm include sum_(k=1)^^^inftylnk = 1/2ln(2pi) (1) sum_(k=1)^^^infty(-1)^klnk = 1/2ln(1/2pi) (2) ...
The Lucas polynomials are the w-polynomials obtained by setting p(x)=x and q(x)=1 in the Lucas polynomial sequence. It is given explicitly by ...
The three circumcircles through the triangle centroid G of a given triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3 and the pairs of the vertices of the second Brocard triangle are called the McCay ...
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