
Search Results for "Bessel Function"

1921 - 1930 of 3359 for Bessel FunctionSearch Results
The Evans conic is the conic section passing through the Fermat points X and X^', the inner and outer Napoleon points N and N^', and the isodynamic points S and S^' of a ...
The even part Ev(n) of a positive integer n is defined by Ev(n)=2^(b(n)), where b(n) is the exponent of the exact power of 2 dividing n. The values for n=1, 2, ..., are 1, 2, ...
The Feller-Tornier constant is the density of integers that have an even number of prime factors p_i^(a_i) with a_1>1 in their prime factorization. It is given by ...
The Fermat axis is the central line connecting the first and second Fermat points. It has line function l=a(b^2-c^2)(a^2-b^2-bc-c^2)(a^2-b^2+bc-c^2), corresponding to ...
A self-avoiding polygon containing three corners of its minimal bounding rectangle. The anisotropic area and perimeter generating function G(x,y) and partial generating ...
A general space based on the line element ds=F(x^1,...,x^n;dx^1,...,dx^n), with F(x,y)>0 for y!=0 a function on the tangent bundle T(M), and homogeneous of degree 1 in y. ...
Let Q(x) be a real or complex piecewise-continuous function defined for all values of the real variable x and that is periodic with minimum period pi so that Q(x+pi)=Q(x). ...
The Franel numbers are the numbers Fr_n=sum_(k=0)^n(n; k)^3, (1) where (n; k) is a binomial coefficient. The first few values for n=0, 1, ... are 1, 2, 10, 56, 346, ... (OEIS ...
An equation of the form f(x,y,...)=0, where f contains a finite number of independent variables, known functions, and unknown functions which are to be solved for. Many ...
An integer d is a fundamental discriminant if it is not equal to 1, not divisible by any square of any odd prime, and satisfies d=1 (mod 4) or d=8,12 (mod 16). The function ...
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