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391 - 400 of 1412 for Aperys ConstantSearch Results
A surface of constant Gaussian curvature that can be given parametrically by x = a(Ucosu-U^'sinu) (1) y = -a(Usinu+U^'cosu) (2) z = v-aV^', (3) where U = ...
A constant-curvature surface which can be given parametrically by x = rcosphi (1) y = rsinphi (2) z = (ln[tan(1/2v)]+a(C+1)cosv)/(sqrt(C)), (3) where phi = ...
The compound of the snub cube and its dual, the pentagonal icositetrahedron. Surprisingly, the tribonacci constant t is intimately related to the metric properties of the ...
The tractrix arises in the following problem posed to Leibniz: What is the path of an object starting off with a vertical offset when it is dragged along by a string of ...
The constant e with decimal expansion e=2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757... (OEIS A001113) can be computed to 10^9 digits of precision in 10 CPU-minutes on modern ...
Consider a first-order ODE in the slightly different form p(x,y)dx+q(x,y)dy=0. (1) Such an equation is said to be exact if (partialp)/(partialy)=(partialq)/(partialx). (2) ...
A quantity which gives the inclination of a curve or line with respect to another curve or line. For a line in the xy-plane making an angle theta with the x-axis, the slope m ...
A second-order partial differential equation, i.e., one of the form Au_(xx)+2Bu_(xy)+Cu_(yy)+Du_x+Eu_y+F=0, (1) is called elliptic if the matrix Z=[A B; B C] (2) is positive ...
A finite simple connected graph G is quadratically embeddable if its quadratic embedding constant QEC(G) is nonpositive, i.e., QEC(G)<=0. A graph being quadratically ...
Consider the consecutive number sequences formed by the concatenation of the first n positive integers: 1, 12, 123, 1234, ... (OEIS A007908; Smarandache 1993, Dumitrescu and ...