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12161 - 12170 of 13135 for Analytic GeometrySearch Results
The Knödel graph W_(Delta,n) is a regular bipartite graph of vertex degree Delta on n nodes for even n>=2 and 1<=Delta<=|_log_2n_| with edges defined as follows. Label the ...
The Knuth-Bendix completion algorithm attempts to transform a finite set of identities into a finitely terminating, confluent term rewriting system whose reductions preserve ...
The Königsberg bridge problem asks if the seven bridges of the city of Königsberg (left figure; Kraitchik 1942), formerly in Germany but now known as Kaliningrad and part of ...
A theorem outlined by Kolmogorov (1954) which was subsequently proved in the 1960s by Arnol'd (1963) and Moser (1962; Tabor 1989, p. 105). It gives conditions under which ...
Kurtosis is defined as a normalized form of the fourth central moment mu_4 of a distribution. There are several flavors of kurtosis, the most commonly encountered variety of ...
The "kurtosis excess" (Kenney and Keeping 1951, p. 27) is defined in terms of the usual kurtosis by gamma_2 = beta_2-3 (1) = (mu_4)/(mu_2^2)-3. (2) It is commonly denoted ...
A lattice reduction algorithm, named after discoverers Lenstra, Lenstra, and Lovasz (1982), that produces a lattice basis of "short" vectors. It was noticed by Lenstra et al. ...
A labeled graph G=(V,E) is a finite series of graph vertices V with a set of graph edges E of 2-subsets of V. Given a graph vertex set V_n={1,2,...,n}, the number of ...
The Lagrange interpolating polynomial is the polynomial P(x) of degree <=(n-1) that passes through the n points (x_1,y_1=f(x_1)), (x_2,y_2=f(x_2)), ..., (x_n,y_n=f(x_n)), and ...
Let z be defined as a function of w in terms of a parameter alpha by z=w+alphaphi(z). (1) Then Lagrange's inversion theorem, also called a Lagrange expansion, states that any ...
