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12071 - 12080 of 13135 for Analytic GeometrySearch Results
The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric ...
The golden ratio has decimal expansion phi=1.618033988749894848... (OEIS A001622). It can be computed to 10^(10) digits of precision in 24 CPU-minutes on modern hardware and ...
The decimal expansion of the Golomb-Dickman constant is given by lambda=0.6243299885... (OEIS A084945). Mitchell (1968) computed lambda to 53 decimal places. lambda has been ...
The Golomb graph is a unit-distance graph discovered around 1960-1965 by Golomb (Soifer 2008, p. 19). It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["GolombGraph"]. A ...
An algorithm for finding closed form hypergeometric identities. The algorithm treats sums whose successive terms have ratios which are rational functions. Not only does it ...
Gossiping and broadcasting are two problems of information dissemination described for a group of individuals connected by a communication network. In gossiping, every person ...
Consider the recurrence equation defined by a_0=m and a_n=|_sqrt(2a_(n-1)(a_(n-1)+1))_|, (1) where |_x_| is the floor function. Graham and Pollak actually defined a_1=m, but ...
The bandwidth of a connected graph G is the minimum matrix bandwidth among all possible adjacency matrices of graphs isomorphic to G. Equivalently, it is the minimum graph ...
The dimension e(G), also called the Euclidean dimension (e.g., Buckley and Harary 1988) of a graph, is the smallest dimension n of Euclidean n-space in which G can be ...
Given any tree T having v vertices of vertex degrees of 1 and 3 only, form an n-expansion by taking n disjoint copies of T and joining corresponding leaves by an n-cycle ...
