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11991 - 12000 of 13135 for Analytic GeometrySearch Results
The n-double cone graph is the name given in the work to the graphs that geometrically correspond to a double cone obtained by connecting all vertices of two C_n cycle graphs ...
The double factorial of a positive integer n is a generalization of the usual factorial n! defined by n!!={n·(n-2)...5·3·1 n>0 odd; n·(n-2)...6·4·2 n>0 even; 1 n=-1,0. (1) ...
A double Mersenne number is a number of the form M_(M_n)=2^(2^n-1)-1, where M_n is a Mersenne number. The first few double Mersenne numbers are 1, 7, 127, 32767, 2147483647, ...
A snark on 30 vertices with edge chromatic number 4. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["DoubleStarSnark"].
The doubly truncated Witt graph is the graph on 330 vertices related to a 3-(22,8,12) design (Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 367). The doubly truncated Witt graph can be constructed ...
Given a planar graph G, a geometric dual graph and combinatorial dual graph can be defined. Whitney showed that these are equivalent (Harary 1994), so that one may speak of ...
The most general forced form of the Duffing equation is x^..+deltax^.+(betax^3+/-omega_0^2x)=gammacos(omegat+phi). (1) Depending on the parameters chosen, the equation can ...
Every semisimple Lie algebra g is classified by its Dynkin diagram. A Dynkin diagram is a graph with a few different kinds of possible edges. The connected components of the ...
The Dyson mod 27 identities are a set of four Rogers-Ramanujan-like identities given by A(q) = 1+sum_(n=1)^(infty)(q^(n^2)(q^3;q^3)_(n-1))/((q;q)_n(q;q)_(2n-1)) (1) = ...
The Earls sequence gives the starting position in the decimal digits of pi (or in general, any constant), not counting digits to the left of the decimal point, at which a ...
