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Exterior algebra is the algebra of the wedge product, also called an alternating algebra or Grassmann algebra. The study of exterior algebra is also called Ausdehnungslehre ...
An irreducible representation of a group is a group representation that has no nontrivial invariant subspaces. For example, the orthogonal group O(n) has an irreducible ...
The conjugate gradient method can be viewed as a special variant of the Lanczos method for positive definite symmetric systems. The minimal residual method (MINRES) and ...
The conjugate gradient method can be viewed as a special variant of the Lanczos method for positive definite symmetric systems. The minimal residual method and symmetric LQ ...
The set R union {+infty,-infty} obtained by adjoining two improper elements to the set R of real numbers is normally called the set of (affinely) extended real numbers. ...
Let k be a field of finite characteristic p. Then a polynomial P(x) in k[x] is said to be additive iff P(a)+P(b)=P(a+b) for {a,b,a+b} subset k. For example, P(x)=x^2+x+4 is ...
In simple terms, let x, y, and z be members of an algebra. Then the algebra is said to be associative if x·(y·z)=(x·y)·z, (1) where · denotes multiplication. More formally, ...
For a normed space (X,||·||), define X^~ to be the set of all equivalent classes of Cauchy sequences obtained by the relation {x_n}∼{y_n} if and only if lim_(n)||x_n-y_n||=0. ...
A CW-complex is a homotopy-theoretic generalization of the notion of a simplicial complex. A CW-complex is any space X which can be built by starting off with a discrete ...
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