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A transformation T (a.k.a., map, function) over a domain D takes the elements X in D to elements Y in T(D), where the range (a.k.a., image) of T is defined as ...
There are a number of meanings for the word "arc" in mathematics. In general, an arc is any smooth curve joining two points. The length of an arc is known as its arc length. ...
The biconjugate gradient stabilized (BCGSTAB) method was developed to solve nonsymmetric linear systems while avoiding the often irregular convergence patterns of the ...
A closed two-form omega on a complex manifold M which is also the negative imaginary part of a Hermitian metric h=g-iomega is called a Kähler form. In this case, M is called ...
Roughly speaking, a tangent vector is an infinitesimal displacement at a specific point on a manifold. The set of tangent vectors at a point P forms a vector space called the ...
Any square matrix T has a canonical form without any need to extend the field of its coefficients. For instance, if the entries of T are rational numbers, then so are the ...
The phrase Tomita-Takesaki theory refers to a specific collection of results proven within the field of functional analysis regarding the theory of modular Hilbert algebras ...
Cantellation, also known as (polyhedron) expansion (Stott 1910, not to be confused with general geometric expansion) is the process of radially displacing the edges or faces ...
Cayley's cubic surface is the unique cubic surface having four ordinary double points (Hunt), the maximum possible for cubic surface (Endraß). The Cayley cubic is invariant ...
A cubic curve is an algebraic curve of curve order 3. An algebraic curve over a field K is an equation f(X,Y)=0, where f(X,Y) is a polynomial in X and Y with coefficients in ...
